Prayer of Completion
I brought glory to you here on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. Now, Father, bring me into the glory we shared before the world began. –John 17:4-5 NLT
Jesus prays about completing the work He was given to do by God the Father. I have long believed that Jesus was the only one who could ever make such a statement in prayer. After all, who can complete the work of God that goes on from one generation to the next?
My Adopted Grandpa, Louis, was confined to bed in his last 90s. His mind was sharp and clear. He was sharing with my mom the desire to just go home and be with Jesus. He longed for heaven. My mom suggested that God still had something for him to complete. He responded with his usual wit “You would think I would have gotten that done by now!!!”
I think Grandpa Louis spoke words we all wonder about. Am I doing what God wants me to do, and is there any hope of completing it?
I am coming to understand that God gives us responsibilities and opportunities in His Kingdom that can be completed. He did this for His son, Jesus. He is doing it for you and me.
It is interesting to note, that Jesus prays this prayer before his amazing sacrifice for all of us takes place. His prayer is focused on the people God has given Him, His investment in those people, His concern over their well-being, and His vision for them to carry on God’s will and purpose.
This prayer of completion offers profound insight into what we ought to be focused on. The development of others for future impact and contribution to God Kingdom.
The work Jesus completed will forever be unmatched, as it involved saving the world from sin and restoring relationship with God. It involved incredible sacrifice of His life and life resurrected. Jesus focused on a core team, He taught and showed them God’s power and truth. He prepared them for the Holy Spirit. Jesus also shared with anyone of would come to listen, anywhere. He healed people, took evil head on, provided food, and opened up the scriptures.
Jesus completed the work God the Father gave him to do. He knew what God was asking of him. He was clear about it. There was no turning away from it.
Is it possible for us to know what God is asking of us?
Yes, it is possible to know what God is asking of us. To understand this, requires relationship and time with God. In prayer, take time to ask God specifically about the focus and purpose of your life. Ask Him to guide you in His will and ways. Spend time in God’s word understanding what God asks of everyone who follow Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to be with you today and every day in living out the purposes of God.
Step away from understanding God’s will as results. Know that God wants to be specific with you. Consider understanding God’s purpose in the context of faithful contribution to others every day. Talk and listen to God about His purposes for you. Let it be a regular and active conversation. Let His word speak into your life. Welcome the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this prayer of completion. Thank You for being faithful to God the Father’s will on your life. Thank You for showing us the way of understanding, pursuing, and completing God’s purposes in our lives. May we know and complete the purposes of God by spending time in prayer, receiving the word of God, and following the leading of the Holy Spirit.
In Jesus name, Amen
Ed McDowell, CEO, Warm Beach Camp Ministries