Connecting through Adventure
When challenges arise, what is your first instinct? Is it to take it out on others around you, to pretend like everything is fine, or to feel ashamed, turn inward, and shut the world out? What would happen differently if you found yourself in the presence of someone who compassionately holds space for you to voice what is troubling you and reflect back the love and warmth of Christ? This past summer, a particular group visiting Rainier Camp & Retreat ...
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Positive Outlets
In an ever-changing world where demands for one’s attention are at an all-time high, finding positive outlets is a welcome relief. Dominion Of Worship Tabernacle Ministries visited Black Diamond Camp this past summer and experienced just that for themselves and the youth they serve. A group leader had a unique perspective on their time at Black Diamond Camp as both a volunteer and parent to children attending. “As a volunteer, this was a soul-nourishing experience, powerful and full of spiritual ...
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Summer Service Teams!
When teenagers age out of camp sessions, that is often when structure, a supportive community, and the presence of God are needed the most in their lives. Trying to figure out who you are and where you belong in this world can be frightening for anyone. To help bridge the gap, Black Diamond Camp has created a program that offers teens an outlet to gain life and work experience within a safe camp experience. The Service Team is a free ...
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Spring Break Camp 2023 Recap
What a great Spring Break Day Camp we had! We had so much fun enjoying all of the adventure activities around Camp, even in the rainy weather. 28 campers joined us for this exciting week of exploring the emotions of Anger, Fear, Disgust, Sadness and Joy in our theme “Emotional Whirlwind!” While we all know these emotions happen on a daily basis, campers spent the week learning how God can use them for His glory. Our memory verse for the ...
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Did I See What I Think I Just Saw? Challenging our filters for enhanced clarity.
Since moving to Black Diamond Camps, I have been experiencing the pain and pleasure of the mountain on new levels through mountain biking. When going on these adventures, it is important to utilize the right gear to help you survive the mountain. With the droves of flying bugs, splattering mud, sun glare, and rogue tree limbs slapping my face at every turn, it did not take me long to realize the need for proper eye protection. Eyes are sensitive and ...