
Transformational Experiences

Warm Beach Camp Ministries seeks to connect 1 million people with Jesus by partnering with leaders in providing transformational experiences over the next 5 years. As I allow our strategic intent statement to seep into my heart and mind, I am beginning to see the Lord transform (all be it slowly) the way I engage with leaders, think about leaders, and pray for leaders.

This week I got caught up in a text thread with a passionate and wonderful leader we worked with closely at Black Diamond Camp for several years before their family got relocated to the East Coast. Her husband is in the military, so she is used to moving around the country with her four kids, putting down roots, and pulling them up once again. She was reaching out because the youngest is now old enough for Service Team here at Black Diamond Camp. (Which is wild and I am honored they would consider us!) After I got her the needed info, we continued to text about the kids and what they were up to, sharing funny videos and pictures.

Then she asked me to pray for her son, his sports match, some other important life things, and most of all that her son would grow in his relationship with the Lord through loss and disappointment. This moved me. Because of the ways we served and trusted the Lord in our ministry, I am entrusted to pray for her family.

This is what partnering with leaders looks like. It isn’t always fancy. Often it is just a simple and beautiful relational moment throughout the day to day. But for my friend, her family, and those she led, they had a transformational experience here at Camp where they encountered Jesus and the kingdom of God is all the richer for it!

-Ryan Saenz, General Manager
Black Diamond Camp