
A Summer Rooted in God

As summer fast approaches and we start to prepare for what God is going to do, we wanted to share the Summer 2023 theme and the process of landing on it. We are excited to announce the theme, “Rooted”!

Part of the preparation process includes working together as a team to plan the theme and curriculum for the summer. We are currently in year three of a seven-year cycle which starts in Genesis and ends in Revelation. This summer, we will be diving into Judges through Song of Songs which is A LOT of content. As we began reading these books, the one idea we kept going back to is Israel’s constant wandering from God. Despite God’s faithfulness, they chose not to listen and kept turning to EVERYTHING, except God.

Before we begin writing the curriculum, we must decide on an overall theme word. As we met as a team and discussed words like “embedded,” “entrenched,” and “established,” we finally landed on the word “Rooted.” All the pieces started to fall into place, and it seemed so clear from the beginning.

The Israelites were wandering, putting their hope in thing-after-thing. Time-and-time again they turned away from God, and towards judges, kings, and idols (all of which led them to being exiled), rather than being “Rooted” in their faithful God.

As we look to this summer, we hope to build on the foundation of the past two years of reading through Genesis through Joshua. We will focus on sharing with campers why being rooted in God is awesome, all while having an experience they will hopefully be able to refer back to for the rest of their lives.

 – JJ Lara, Business Development Specialist