A Summer with Year-round Impact
Our family began attending Black Diamond Camp in 2016 when our kids were entering first grade, making this last summer our sixth year attending Camp! We truly feel that Black Diamond Camp has become a second home for our kids and each year, they beg to come to more and more sessions. Through the Day Camp program, our kids make friends, play outdoors, and have fun. When they get home, they are tired from all the fun they had all day. They feel safe and loved and even talk about wanting to work at Camp when they are older!
For our family, Camp has encouraged communication with our kids. We always have something to talk about each night as they tell us the events they did or their first accomplishments like shooting a target in Archery, climbing to the top of the 3D Wall, or doing something new in the Crane Yard. We discuss the weekly Bible verse and make sure that each kid has memorized it. And during the school year, we take things that the kids have learned throughout the summer and reinforce it through some of their daily challenges. When I look back at our time at Black Diamond Camp, we have watched our kids grow in confidence, learn to be themselves, and be mentally stronger.
We are so thankful to everyone at Black Diamond Camp!
– Elizabeth Christie, Day Camp Parent