Black Diamond Open House

The Black Diamond Open House, Saturday, September 24, was a great success, hosting over 100! Many had been guests this past summer, with a few new visitors to Black Diamond as well! It was a day full of sunshine, yummy food, and fun activities with the community. Everyone had the opportunity to tour the Camp, have some fun in the gym, and take a dip in the pool before heading home for the day. One of my favorite moments was ...

Growing Together

Sound Christian Academy brought 100 high school students for a few days at the end of August to help build connections among scholars for the new school year. They participated in several group development activities where students stepped out of their comfort zone to complete the 3D Web as well as the TP Shuffle; unique team building activities at Camp. The dean of students expressed how great it was to see several of their new students talk about how much ...

Summer 2022 Recap

Have you ever met someone filled with so much excitement, so much happiness, and joy that you want to be around them all the time!? Everyone at Black Diamond Camp this summer was blessed to be around a camper just like that this summer, and his name is Royal. His happiness is so infectious that you can’t help but laugh or smile being around him. Having Royal and other kids just like him come to camp this summer was a ...


This summer truly has been crazy. We had awesome opportunities to serve groups, both returning or just starting their partnership with Black Diamond, and in a summer that finally felt close to back to normal, we had some amazing times. From dance parties throughout the night, to kickball chaos that was played in 98-degree weather! When I think of this summer and what it can be culminated down to, it would be our last night of Session 7 on our ...

A Leap of Faith

Adrian came to Camp as part of a guest group at Black Diamond. He was recognized for his outstanding participation in the virtue and wisdom courses during the retreat. The camp staff observed almost immediately that Adrian paid more attention during the virtue and wisdom seminars than any of the other boys. His questions about faith were well thought out. Adrian made friends right away and approached each activity with great enthusiasm. One activity was a bit of a challenge ...

The Internship Program – Leading and Learning

In 2018, I was privileged with the opportunity to move from my small town in Texas, to Washington to participate in the Internship Program here at Black Diamond Camp. I spent my time as an Intern learning the ins and outs of camping ministry and loved it! During the Internship, we were able to shadow each of the departments at Camp and through that, I learned I love working with our Retreat groups. I started working full-time at camp in ...

My Summer Staff Experience: Annaliesa

Hey! My name is Annaliesa and I’m from Lee’s Summit, Missouri (which is just south of Kansas City). I really enjoy spending time outside, whether it’s playing sports or just going for walks. I also love reading and movies. I heard about Black Diamond Camp from my friend who had a roommate who worked here a few summers ago and loved it! I knew I wanted to give this summer to God to focus on serving Him in any way ...

Adventure Activity: Arrow Tag

Looking to channel your inner Katniss Everdeen? Archery Tag at Black Diamond Camp is perfect for any group seeking a little healthy competition. Located behind the Rattlesnake Ridge Playground, the Archery Tag course is a clearing filled with trees and obstacles creating the perfect arena for a battle!   While you can opt for a typical 1 verse 1 or team vs. team version of the game, there are also plenty of game modes to try out!  For example, there is ...

My Summer Staff Experience: Madison

Hear about Madison’s experience working on summer staff at Black Diamond Camp in 2021. Why did you decide to do summer staff? “Prior to working at Black Diamond Camp, I had no prior experience in camping ministry, but after hearing such good things about Camp, I decided to apply. Although I had no idea what to expect, I wanted the summer camp experience. I wanted to move out of state for the summer, serve my staff and serve kids! Black ...

An Inspirational Experience

Group Camp is a program that inspires partnerships with pastors and churches in having the best experience they can at Camp with their students. The program provides complete programming while taking care of logistical needs. Black Diamond runs this program’s curriculum through a seven-year cycle starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation. The hope and desire in this model are for sixth graders coming to Camp for the very first time will hit all the major points in the Bible ...